Fedora 11的字体问题暂时解决办法
posted @ Jun 16, 2009 11:03:01 AM
in Linux
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fedora 11 字体 CJK 中文 日文 VL PGothic AR PL UKai CN i18n l10n 国际化 本地化 显示 汉字 假名 WQY Zenhei 文泉驿正黑
, 8531 阅读
C.F. editted
<family>Dejavu Serif</family>
<family>VL PGothic</family>
<family>WQY Zenhei</family>
<family>Dejavu Sans</family>
<family>VL PGothic</family>
<family>WQY Zenhei</family>
<family>Courier 10 Pitch</family>
<family>VL PGothic</family>
<family>WQY Zenhei</family>
<family>Courier 10 Pitch</family>
<family>Courier 10 Pitch</family>
<family>VL PGothic</family>
<family>WQY Zenhei</family>
<family>Dejavu Serif</family>
<family>Dejavu Serif</family>
<family>VL PGothic</family>
<family>WQY Zenhei</family>
End of C.F. Code
C.F. editted
<family>Dejavu Serif</family>
<family>VL PGothic</family>
<family>WQY Zenhei</family>
<family>Dejavu Sans</family>
<family>VL PGothic</family>
<family>WQY Zenhei</family>
<family>Courier 10 Pitch</family>
<family>VL PGothic</family>
<family>WQY Zenhei</family>
<family>Courier 10 Pitch</family>
<family>Courier 10 Pitch</family>
<family>VL PGothic</family>
<family>WQY Zenhei</family>
<family>Dejavu Serif</family>
<family>Dejavu Serif</family>
<family>VL PGothic</family>
<family>WQY Zenhei</family>
End of C.F. Code
所有的VL PGothic是优化日文系统显示做的。如果您不经常处理日文,可以删除这些行。如果您喜欢楷体,可以在删除VL PGothic行之后将WQY Zenhei改为AR PL UKai CN. 那个字体的日文效果多少还说得过去,但是有的字中日写法不同,成了死字。
Jun 16, 2009 04:35:13 PM
放在 /etc/fonts/local.conf 里就可以吧
Jun 16, 2009 08:37:30 PM
@LiYanrui: 那不是还得提权么。。。我自己看着顺眼的东西,就习惯放在自己的~里。。。将来说不定这机器要给家属用什么的。。。
Aug 04, 2022 12:48:38 AM
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Sep 10, 2022 09:39:08 PM
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